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主題:101 年司法特考三等司法官第一試考題


“One anti-takeover charter amendment is a provision requiring a supermajority vote – say 80 percent of the common shares instead of the usual bare majority rule – in order to effect a merger or sale of all assets.” Which of the following cannot be derived from the above descrXXXiption? (A)   The purpose of supermajority vote is to make a take over somewhat harder and riskier. (B)   Supermajority vote would not absolutely block a takeover attempt, especially by a bidder willing to buy all the target stock. (C)   The anti-takeover tactic of supermajority vote requires a charter amendment. (D)   The anti-takeover tactic of supermajority vote shall be approved by the board of directors. 題目圖片太小了,看得好吃力,再幫忙改一下吧~而且這太偏專業科目了,看不懂@@


關鍵字:amendmentinstead of