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l   Sentence判刑 l   Amnesia KK[æmˋniʒɪə]【醫】記憶缺失; 健忘(症) l   Swirl KK[swɝl]vi.不及物動詞 打旋, 旋轉[Q]  The water swirled about his feet. 水在他的腳下打旋。 捲曲, 盤繞[Q] 暈眩, 昏亂 l   Formatting格式化,正在格式化,編排格式 l   Portray KK[porˋtre] vt.及物動詞 1.畫(人物, 風景等); (用語言)描寫 Dickens portrayed his characters to the life. 狄更斯把他筆下的人物描繪得栩栩如生。 2.把...描繪成[(+as)] Her book portrays her stepfather as a cruel man. 她的書把繼父描繪成殘忍的人。 3.扮演; 表現 He portrayed King Lear in the play. 他在這戲裡扮演李爾王。 l   death penalty死刑 penalty KK[ˋpɛn!tɪ]n.名詞 1.處罰; 刑罰[U][C][(+for)] There are now stiffer penalties for drunken drivers. 現在對酗酒開車的處罰更嚴厲了。 2.罰款[C][(+for)] The penalty for spitting is US$10. 隨地吐痰罰款十美金。 3.【體】犯規的處罰; 罰球[C] The referee gave a penalty. 裁判處以罰球。 l   brutal 1.It was brutal of him to do that. 他做那種事是很殘忍的。 2.嚴酷的, 苛刻的 We had another brutal winter. 我們又度過了一個嚴冬。 3.令人不快卻又無可否認的 He confessed the brutal truth. 他供認了事實真相。 4.【古】野獸的


關鍵字:penaltyPortraySentence brutalAmnesiaanotherbrutaldeath Formattingportrayed