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主題:be regarded as


be regarded as  被認為...   regard n. 1. 注重, 注意; 考慮; 關心[U][(+to/for)] No one showed the least regard for his feelings. 沒有人關心他的感受。 2. 尊敬; 尊重; 器重[U][S1][(+for)] I have a very high regard for your abilities. 我非常器重你的能力。 3. 注視, 凝視[U] 4. 關係, 事項[U] She was lucky in that regard. 在那件事上她很幸運。 5. 問候, 致意[P] Please give my best regards to your parents. 請代我向您的雙親問好。   v. 1. 把...看作, 把...認為[(+as)] He is regarded as the best doctor in town. 他被公認為城裡最好的醫生。 2. (常用於否定句)注重, 注意, 考慮 You seldom regard my advice. 你很少考慮我的勸告。 3. 尊敬, 尊重[O] She regards her teacher highly. 她很尊重她的老師。 4. 看待; 注視, 凝視[O][(+with)] Denny regarded his uncle with wide eyes. 丹尼睜大雙眼凝視他的伯伯。 5. 與...有關 This does not regard me at all. 這與我毫無關係。


關鍵字:be regarded asregard