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請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題
      According to two recent studies, the annual cost of workplace absence in the U.K. has risen to 10.5 billion pounds, with 500 people   41   employment every week because of work-related injury or illness. Ill health is now the main   42   of joblessness in the U.K., with repetitive strain injury, back strain, and stress the three top reasons for absence. One study found that employees took an average of 7.8 days off work through sickness last year, a   43   from 8.5 days the previous year. “Absence is a huge cost to business—the worst performing firms have twice the absence rates of the best ones,” said one research unit. Many companies believe   44   to 15% of absences are not genuine. Overindulging in alcohol is the main reason for pulling a sickie, one survey has found. A third of British   45   would call in sick after a drunken night. But more than half said they would think again if their pay was cut.

(A) break
(B) fall
(C) step
(D) period


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題
        “Eat five meals a day, including lots of fruit and vegetables,” nutritionists say. It’s important to include different kinds of fruit and vegetables in each meal. Try to make your meals colorful. It’s easy. Red fruit and vegetables, like tomatoes and watermelon, protect you against some types of cancer. Some others, like strawberries and red grapes, help keep your heart healthy. A lot of oranges and yellow fruit and vegetables, like carrots, are rich in Vitamin A and help you have healthy eyes. They also protect you against some types of cancer and heart disease. Citrus fruit, like oranges, aren’t rich in Vitamin A, but they are rich in Vitamin C and a type of Vitamin B. They help keep your heart healthy. Green fruit and vegetables, like spinach, green peppers and green apples, help keep both your eyes and heart healthy, and protect you against some types of cancer. Blue and purple fruit and vegetables, like grapes and eggplants, keep you away from some types of cancer and heart disease. Blueberries also help you have a good memory.

【題組】49 Which of the following fruit/vegetables is good for the heart?


依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題:
          There is much debate about whether homeschooling has an impact on the social skills of children. People who have reservations against the idea of homeschooling mention this as one of the biggest concerns while those who support homeschooling feel that there is no real impediment to children being socially adept even if they are educated at home.
          The argument of those who feel that social skills cannot be imparted in a home setting is that there is no peer interaction on a daily basis. The process of children meeting others of their own age and negotiating their way in and out of friendships and disagreements are all part of the social development of children. Homeschooling does not provide for this kind of relationships very easily. While a parent may be able to create lesson plans to help his or her children master algebra and history, it is a lot trickier to impart social skills. There is the concern that home schools may well end up keeping children in a very cocooned environment for a long time, thus not giving them the resilience needed to interact with all kinds of people. The world is marked by diversity of thought, race,religion among many other differences, and there is no easy way to provide an exposure to all this in the secluded setting of homeschools.
           The counter-argument from homeschooling advocates is that homeschooling does not mean a hermit-like existence for the children. For one, most homeschooling parents make it a point to use outside resources such as museums and libraries as teaching resources, and they do not just have children pore over books to acquire study skills. These kinds of outings make for natural interactions with the world around. Moreover, there are also group activities where several homeschooling families come together for field trips and such activities. Some communities offer classes, such as swimming classes, targeted at homeschoolers. The idea here is to make sure that the homeschooled children meet other children. Social skills do not have to be developed only with people who are the exact same age. As long as there is scope for forming meaningful relationships, social skills will get solidified.
         The topic draws a lot of debate with people offering anecdotal evidence of social misfits who attended regular schools versus homeschoolers who never quite seem to know how to engage with others of their age group. There is enough evidence to suggest that the social skills of each person are defined by their individual circumstances. So a homeschooled child who has had adequate occasions for social exposure and interaction has no reason to be any less adept than a child who has attended a school outside the house.

【題組】46 What is this passage mainly about?
(A) To discuss whether homeschooled children have problems with social skills.
(B) To explain how to integrate education of social skills into homeschooling.
(C) To analyze the impediments to enhancing social skills for homeschoolers.
(D) To indicate the necessity of imparting social skills for homeschoolers.


【題組】47 According to the passage, what is the author’s attitude toward homeschooling?
(A) Doubtful.
(B) Distressing.
(C) Empathetic.
(D) Objective.


【題組】48 Which of the following is correct about the opinions on the effects of homeschooling on social skills?
(A) Homeschoolers are deprived of all the chances of enhancing their social skills.
(B) Social skills can only be acquired through interactions with peers of the same age.
(C) Homeschoolers may not be inferior to regular school goers in their social skills.
(D) Parents are the best partners for homeschoolers to practice social interactions.


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