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43 Don’t believe ________ Kelly says. She is a liar.


49 Luke: Do you mind if I smoke? Lucy:_______________ You can’t smoke in the building. You have to go outside. Luke: Oh, OK.
(A)It’s OK.
(B)Go ahead.
(C)I’m sorry.
(D)Not at all


    One of the strangest features of motherhood is that the vast majority of mothers prefer to cradle their  babies in the left arm. Why should this _____41_____ ? The obvious reason seems to be that the majority of 
mothers _____42_____ right-handed and they wish to keep their right hand free. Unfortunately, this explanation 
 _____43_____ apply, because left-handed mothers also favor their left arm for holding their babies. The precise 
figures are 83 percent for right-handed mothers and 78 percent for left-handed mothers. The most likely reason, therefore, is that the mother’s heart is on the left side and, by holding the baby in her left arm, she is consciously bringing her baby closer to the sound of the heartbeat. This is the sound which the baby heard when it was inside the mother’s body and which is therefore connected to peace, comfort, and security. Tests are carried out in baby’s rooms _____44_____ some babies were played the recorded sound of a human heartbeat, and , sure enough, those babies were caused to sleep twice as quickly _____45_____ the others. We also know that the sound of the mother’s heart is able to be heard clearly inside the body and that the unborn baby has well-developed hearing. 

(A) ever
(B) cannot
(C) no
(D) can


We had a family trip to Canada last summer. The whole family 11 grandpa, who didn’t like traveling, went on the trip. We spent three weeks 12 through that beautiful country. Montreal was our first stop. It was full of excitement. We did some shopping, tried local food, visited several famous spots and even went to a show 13 . We had a wonderful time there. 14 three days in Montreal, we took off and drove westward to Winnipeg. The city was lovely, and the people there were warm and friendly. We were even invited by an elderly lady we met in the park to dine with her at her home. Old people in Taiwan are usually very careful about strangers. They 15 people they don’t know as much as possible. But in Canada it seems different. The trip really was a new experience for me.
(A) except
(B) in spite
(C) in addition
(D) only


7 You don’t want to go to the party, ____ ? You look very sleepy.
(A) don’t you
(B) do you
(C) will you
(D) won’t you


34 Ann:______ Stranger: Sure. But you know the line is moving fast. So please hurry up. Ann: Don’t worry. I’ll be back in no time.
(A) Are you sure that I can take my time reading this book?
(B) Sorry, I didn’t hear you. Who is on line one?
(C) Can you save my place for me, please?
(D) Tomorrow will be my birthday. Are you sure you won’t come?


請依下文回答第 13 題至第 16 題 
     Once upon a time, there was a frog which fell so much in love with a prince. She wanted to become a human in order to be near the prince. To make her dream come true, she went all the way to a forest to ask a witch for help. The witch agreed to help but told her that she could become a human only when she kissed the prince. The frog then went to a pond in the palace where the prince lived. When the prince came out to the pond to feed the fish, the frog went up to him right away. The prince found the frog very interesting, so he took her home. He had meals with her and even put her beside his bed. Seeing that the prince fell asleep, the frog couldn't help but kiss the prince. After the kiss, the frog suddenly turned into a beautiful woman. When the prince woke up in the morning, he was very surprised to see a pretty woman sitting beside him. He immediately fell in love and wanted to marry her. Later, they got married and live a wonderful life together.
    But after staying with the prince for some years, the woman began to get bored and missed her life as a frog. Sometimes, people were suprised to see her catching a fly with her tongue in the garden. As she began to spend more and more time outside the palace, the prince started to suspect if she had fallen in love with someone else. She told him that he was the only person she loved. But she didn't like her life as a human and she wanted to end their marriage. Finally, the prince agreed and the frog left the palace to live her own life.

【題組】14 According to the passage, why were people surprised?
(A) Because the woman was seen catching a fly.
(B) Because the woman doesn't love the prince.
(C) Because the woman feeds the fish in the pond.
(D) Because the woman wants to leave the palace.


第46 題至第 50 題為題組

    In 1945, leaders from 51 countries met in San Francisco, California, where the United Nations (UN) was organized. At that time, World War II had just ended. People hoped they could build a future of world peace through this new organization. Today almost every country in the world is a member of the UN. Each country has signed an agreement that says:

1. All members are equal.

2. All members promise to solve international problems in a peaceful way.

3. No member will use force against another member.

4. All members will help the UN in its actions.

5. The UN will not try to solve problems within countries except to enforce international peace.

    Obviously, the United Nations has not been completely successful in its actions. There have been several wars since 1945. However, the organization has helped bring peace to some countries that were at war. Besides, it has helped people who left their countries because of wars. It has also helped bring independence to colonies.

    The main UN organization is in New York City, but the UN has a “family” of other related organizations all over the world. These organizations try to provide a better life for everyone. One example is UNICEF, an organization that provides poor children with food, medical care, and many other services. Another example is the World Health Organization, which develops medical programs all over the world. There are thousands of UN workers in developing countries. They work as planners to increase production in farming and industry. They provide medical services, improve education programs, and spread scientific information. They develop programs that provide jobs and better living conditions. They help countries control their population growth. The UN also holds large international conferences, where people meet to discuss important world issues. One conference was about the uses and ownership of oceans. Another was about women. There are also International Years for people to work together to improve situations and solve problems.

【題組】47 Why has the UN not been completely successful in its actions?
(A)Not all the members of the UN are equal.
(B)Several wars have occurred since 1945.
(C)There have been no solutions about poverty.
(D)The UN has solved problems within particular countries.


38 It’s not difficult to _____ the new printer if you follow the instructions carefully.
(A) set up
(B) set in
(C) set off
(D) set out


39 Would you mind  ________ this petition to the government in support of the environment protection?
(A) signing
(B) feeding
(C) lacking
(D) removing


42 Durable and supportive hiking boots can keep your feet dry and protect your ankles from_______ .
(A) injury
(B) drought
(C) shred
(D) relief


